Saturday, November 04, 2006

I was watching my Tivo'd "Desperate Housewives" last night. Is there a portal on that show that goes back to the 1970s?

How many of you have noticed the preponderance of radio ads lately for the National Clandestine Service? The service is a division of the CIA. Listening to the ads, I'm hearkened back to a time as a child when I thought it would be cool to be a federal agent. Something cool, like what you would see in the movies. I could BE Clarice Starling. Or Nancy Drew. I wasn't sure which. Of course, this was BEFORE I wanted to be a rock star.

They must be hurting for agents, because they're playing the ads all the time. Before I heard the ads, I had never even heard of the National Clandestine Service. Since the word "clandestine" means, basically, something kept secret, I wonder if they used that word to make it different from the Secret Service.

If you're a young person and actually interested in doing this, you should visit the CIA web site. Be aware, though, that even though the ads make it sound like they'd take anyone, and despite what you may have observed in OTHER parts of our government - they won't take ANY dummy. You've got to have a bachelor's degree with a 3.0 GPA, speak some foreign languages, and be ready to locate to at least Washington D.C., if not abroad.

I tried to find a song of the day from the 80s that had some sort of connection with being in the CIA. That didn't so much happen. So I chose "Black Coffee In Bed" from Squeeze. Aside from being a great song, it also takes me back to the early days of MTV and had a great video which you can actually see here. I remember spending many an afternoon sitting on the couch, after school, watching MTV for hours and hours, sometimes hoping to see this song. Yes, kids...there actually WAS a time when MTV used to actually play MUSIC VIDEOS!


Blogger Kings Fan said...

I want to be a spy. Or secret agent. OK, maybe I just want to wear a trenchcoact and not be thought of as a flaser. MTV used to play videos? Whaaaaaaat?

10:05 AM  

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