Sunday, December 21, 2008

Life has been extremely busy recently with work leading into the holiday break. They were trying to get the show I have been working on to the network on Friday (last day of work before the break). Needless to say, I was working my ass off all week, not taking lunch, and have been missing hockey games in both leagues as of late. At long last, hiatus started which means I don't have to go back to work until January 5. However, I have a short film to edit in that time so it will hardly be a vacation. At least I can wake up whenever I want and will have time to fit some snowboarding in.

Some friends and I went up to Mountain High yesterday morning. It was extremely busy, and probably one of the busiest days of the season. 4 feet of powder got dumped up there in the last week due to the recent storms, and with the kids on break and the television industry on break - there was a ton of people up there. With all the runs open, it wasn't crowded on the slopes, but there were long lines for the lifts. Charles and I are going up to Bear Mountain either Monday or Tuesday so hopefully with the middle of the week, the lines will be a little shorter, even if it is during the holiday.

It's hard to believe Christmas is this week. Time seems to be passing more and more quickly the older I get. I have all my shopping done. Pretty much. I still need to get something for the dogs. (Yes, I buy gifts for the dogs. I think there are tennis balls in Wally's future). I still haven't gotten something for my dad. Hardest person to buy for - EVER.

I've been so busy I haven't had time to take any cute photos of Wally. I meant to post my Christmas card here, but I don't have it with me right now (or a scanner) so it will have to wait. In the meantime, here's a photo I posted on Facebook earlier. I like to call it "Three Dogs Eating." This is what happens when you try to feed three rather large dogs in my tiny condo kitchen.


Blogger Diane said...

Sam got to play with a yellow lab named Wally today at Bolsa Chica - he was a very friendly fellow.

7:33 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

We got your Christmas card today! It was awesome.. I will have to bring it to school for the kids to see.

my word verification is vilin. funny

3:00 PM  
Blogger LA said...

Doggie posteriors, nothing cuter!


5:26 PM  

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