Saturday, December 09, 2006

The television show I'm working on had an episode coming up where the characters make a trip to New Orleans. We had the guy who shoots our usual stock footage fly out there and shoot a bunch of footage of the city, especially the Ninth Ward, since our story revolves around the Katrina tragedy.

I wish I could share with you the footage we shot. Seeing the devestation of the Ninth Ward, even a year after the fact, is very moving. I feel fortunate to be able to see that footage for my own eyes, without the dilution of the news media. It's really horrible - each building is marked with spray paint to show when it was searched and how many bodies they found, if any. All my friends from New Orleans say the city will truly never be the same.

Wally and I are at work this morning. I haven't had a day off in over two weeks, but thankfully, do not have to work tomorrow. I noticed Wally was chewing on something this morning and I thought someone on the other side of the building may have given him a doggie treat. Then I realized he was actually chewing on some ribs - apparently they served them on the set last night and they were all over in the garbages. I had to reach in his mouth and pull them out, and believe me, he didn't want to give them up. Nothing like a slimy, saliva soaked hand to get your morning started.

The song for the day is "Rock Me Tonight" by Billy Squier. This song comes off his 1984 album Signs of Life. I had this 45, and used to play it at top volume every single morning the summer it came out. I remember talking to my neighbor about a block away one day and this song came up and I mentioned how much I loved it, and he said, "So I've been able to hear." I guess it was louder than I thought. I wonder whatever happened to Billy Squier. He had a ton of hits and a ton of hit albums in the very early 80s. Who doesn't remember him in his unbelievably tight jeans in the "Stroke Me" video?


Blogger Diane said...

I actually saw Billy Squier open for Bad Company and Styx 5 years ago. He looked and sounded great. Unlike the guys in Styx, both Billy and the boys in BadCo had updated their look into the 21st century - so the skin tight jeans were gone!

If it makes you feel better, I'm working this weekend too. I'm working from home, but I envy you being able to take Wally to work. Hanna and Samantha had a male yellow lab buddy - Scotty - stop by earlier today (his owner is my handyman). I loaded all 3 dogs into the car to go to the market, and they were all actually very good.

1:40 PM  
Blogger sage said...

I was in New Orleans last January--on a work crew--it was amazing. We weren't working in the 9th Ward, but one day we drove over there and I couldn't believe what I saw. At the time I blogged about it and included some photos

9:42 AM  

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