Thursday, December 07, 2006

So, is anyone using the new "beta" version of Blogger? It keeps trying to get me to use it, but I'm always wary of upgrades until I hear how it's worked for other people. Let me know if you have any insight.

Last night was my last game of 2006 with the Red Menace, since I'll be doing the surgery and won't be able to play again until after the new year. We played the Knights, ranked #2 in our division, and beat them 5-0. This is very typical of our team in that we always seem to beat the higher ranked teams and lose to the team in last place. At least we're back over 500 with a 5-4 season record thus far. And I got an assist, so I'm happy with that.

In case any of you have the downtime I sometimes have at work, here's the internet game my department has been hooked on this week. It's called Slingshot Santa. Looks like fun, right? It's like crack.

I wanted to share this web site I stumled upon yesterday. It's called Post Secret. It reminds me a little of the Found Magazines I talked about earlier. The basic gist is that you make your own postcard and send it to them and - here's the kicker - you write on the postcard a secret that you've been holding onto that you've never told anyone before. It's an ongoing community art project composed of the postcards people have mailed in.

Their website explains, "Each secret can be a regret, hope, funny experience, unseen kindness, fantasy, belief, fear, betrayal, erotic desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before." The idea is that you might relieve some guilt or whatever emotions may have bothered you through being able to share your secret with others. I think it's a pretty interesting idea, and they have three different books available that are collections of postcards they have been sent. You can find info to order them through their website. Here are a few postcards on their site:

Thanks to the 22 people (a record high) who visited this blog yesterday (9 repeat readers!!).

The song for today, in honor of my friend Dani, is "Smokin' In The Boys Room" by Motley Crue. (Dani loves her some Crue). This song came out in 1985 off the album Theatre of Pain, a follow up to 1983's Shout At The Devil. Motley Crue were one of the first "hair band" type bands I ever noticed and this song was a huge hit with the junior highers. (Not sure how it went over with adults). We were all under the impression that the Crue were such hard rock - ooh, they have "devil" in the title of their album! - but if you listen to them now, it's pretty tame compared to music from today.


Blogger Diane said...

I keep putting off switching to beta too . . . and feel the same way as you - I want some reassurance first. Congrats on the win and your assist!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Kings Fan said...

Hmmm... wonder what kinds of secrets I could reveal. But, if I revealed them, they wouldn't be secrets anymore.

The Kings can use someone to pass the puck, so maybe you can play on their fourth line.

Great, another internet game that I'm going to be addicted to... thanks.

1:10 PM  

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