Monday, April 28, 2008

Los Angeles has officially gone from comfortably warm spring days with cool nights to Oh My God It's Hot Out. It was in the mid-90s here today, but I see that tomorrow the high is expected to be 82, falling to an anticipated high of 71 by Wednesday. That's right - more than a 20 degree temperature change in two days. What the hell?

My AT&T DSL finally got up and running. And by "up and running" I mean the DSL was finally activated on my phone line. I still had to spend an hour on the phone with tech support this evening to get my computer actually ON the internet. And not half an hour after I got off the phone with them did I realize that my mail program is not connecting to the server. That means another call to tech support. Additionally, I haven't yet had time to set up the other computers in my home to the wireless network, and I'm sure I'm going to have problems with that, too. All in all, this is becoming an extremely long process. All I have to say is this connection better be rock solid and blazing fast.

Wally is still stiff and sore but seems to be moving around a little better this afternoon. Aside from being sore from the long hike because he was out of shape, I think he also may have pulled a muscle when he scrambled to try not to fall down the cliff. Hopefully, he'll be good as new in a couple of days.

An Austrian man has admitted to holding his daughter captive in his basement for 24 years and fathered seven children with her. Of those seven, three were held captive with her in a hidden, windowless room and have never seen sunlight. One child died shortly after birth and was tossed into an incinerator by the father. The remaining three children were raised by the father and the girl's mother and were registered with authorities. I read that the wife thought the daughter had run away, so I'm not sure a) how she never realized there were 4 people being held captive in her own home, and b) how the father accounted for the appearance of the three children. And how did no one in the neighborhood suspect anything when the father added on to the room? The daughter, now 42, had been missing since 1984. For more, read this article. It's disturbing on pretty much every level.


Blogger LA said...

It was actually much more comfortable here today than it was Saturday and Sunday. Sunday in particular was insufferably hot.

That story in Austria is one I can't wrap my head around. I had the same questions you had, Edit. How does the wife accept three new children... wouldn't she notice she wasn't pregnant and she didn't give birth? Obviously, unless it comes to light that the wife has an IQ of 70 or below, she's clearly an accomplice.

Glad to hear Wally's better.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Auburn Kat said...

OMG, that's awful about the Austrian story!!!

The temperature is 33 and feels like 27 here right now! Yuck!

Hope Wally feels better!

4:10 AM  
Blogger Diane said...

Wally might have torn a ligament . . . if he's not better soon, he may need xrays

6:55 AM  

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